Gulf Engineering Consultants - Karaikudi

Pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable groups in traffic accidents. One of the major issues in pedestrian safety is the use of pedestrian overpasses throughout the city. Pedestrian traffic accidents are one of the most important problems throughout the world, especially in developing countries, with the highest number of injuries and fatalities. Also one of the most important issues in urban streets is pedestrian interference and passing cars, which is a major concern for citizens, causing stress and insecurity for pedestrians as well as drivers.

Designing the streets and how to provide facilities and services in a way that naturally encourages physical and social mobility in everyday life, and because of these problems in urban areas, have reduced the number of people willing to walk in the city.

A pedestrian bridge is a structure built to move people from one place to another. A pedestrian bridge actually removes the pedestrian from the road surface and creates more interconnected roads where vehicles and pedestrians do not interfere. Walking is the most important opportunity to see places and activities and feel the vibrancy of life and discover the values and attractions hidden in the urban environment every journey begins and ends with a walk. Pedestrian-oriented capability is the degree of desirability of the artificial environments for people to be present, live, shop,meet, spend time and enjoy in the areas.

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